sometimes I dip my paintbrush in coffee

…aaaaaand sometimes I dip it in tea. It’s not my fault that I have no where else on the table to put my mug. Not really. Besides, the elevated risk of slowly poisoning myself with paint keeps life that much more exciting. Speaking of excitement, here are some other ways I like to keep theContinue reading “sometimes I dip my paintbrush in coffee”

how to be priceless

Out of curiosity, my husband asked me why I was  “announcing” that I paint for FREE. “Why make a big deal out of it?” he said.  Others may agree that I now have a classic case of “losing your crown in heaven” because of all the praise I will be receiving from people now thatContinue reading “how to be priceless”


This painting is an emotional one for me…like a war on canvas.  I used only a palette knife because it was the only thing that seemed appropriate. I needed to express the fight that happens between cancer and the will to live, which is an emotional one for anyone who is familiar.  Not only isContinue reading ““Fighter””


Five years ago this canvas looked very different.  It was filled with circles and outlines of intersecting pieces, and lacked as much inspiration as you can imagine. But…I needed a new canvas, and my husband didn’t like it anyway, so it got covered up.  I am not too sentimental about most of my old work,Continue reading ““Breakthrough””