“After You,”

Artistic inspiration visits unexpected at times and, when it is observed without criticism, it becomes shaped by wrestling groans long before words are ever there to defend its existence. Delicate things, these inspired moments… I remember the day He stopped the rain for a moment so that I could get out of my car andContinue reading ““After You,””


This painting was an 18-month-long process that took on many different colours and sizes after the flicker of inspiration first gripped me.  Had I known it would need so much time and uncertainty to become fully alive, I probably would have asked myself different questions along the way. However, “not knowing” caused me to learn more about these things: I don’tContinue reading ““Consuming””

why I give things away all year round [not just at Christmas]

There is a story behind every painting I create. Some stories are full of symbolism, emotional and prophetic, while others bring healing, and still others will hang on walls as daily reminders of love. I have created a simple [yet personal] philosophy that works for me:  I do not sell my paintings; I give them.Continue reading “why I give things away all year round [not just at Christmas]”


Five years ago this canvas looked very different.  It was filled with circles and outlines of intersecting pieces, and lacked as much inspiration as you can imagine. But…I needed a new canvas, and my husband didn’t like it anyway, so it got covered up.  I am not too sentimental about most of my old work,Continue reading ““Breakthrough””